What systems do you need in your childcare? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT!

Come and learn all the 

that you need so you

can maintain operational quality despite staff turnover
will know where to start putting the right systems in place
stop getting overwhelmed with all the information
easily document and update everything
stop feeling drained and so stressed out
can organize your childcare
make sure your business is profitable and sustainable
can stop working 12 to 18 hours per day
can grow and expand like you've always wanted to

is highly recommended by these Childcare Owners:

Coach Andrea words cannot express how you and Coach Kamau have blessed me with your gifts. You are the reason why my book, 21 Days of Prayer was resurrected and a blessing to the nation. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Cassandrea Scott

Coach Andrea, You’ve encouraged me to continue to think BIG! With that encouragement I was able to open and run 2 locations in the summer, client retention is at an all-time high and new parents are calling every day!

Zeela Wilkins

You have shown me even though you may fail God has bigger plans get back up and try again ☺️ and that Children and their families deserve nothing but the best in childcare meaning: organization learning environment etc

Michelle Anderson

Who is

Hi, I’m Andrea Dickerson.

I am a mom of one, a wife, a child care quoted authority , and a thriving early childhood entrepreneur and the "God Mother" of childcare systems. I have spent the past 20 years teaching and helping childcare business owners systemize, organize, and maximize their childcare business so they can
  • Increase their enrollment
  • Hire the right staff
  • ​Open multiple locations
  • Expand their business
  • ​Become published authors
  • ​And so much more!
If you want the same results in your business, click the button below. Let’s talk!


Childcare can be a demanding business.

There are so many concerns that need your attention, so many roles that you need to fill, it often feels like you’re being pulled in 100 different directions every day.

This is okay if you have the energy and the sanity to keep up with the demands…

But what if you don’t want that life anymore?
Let me ask you...

Do you want to start working 2 to 5 hours a day and still maintain the quality of your operations as if you’re there?

Do you want to stop feeling like you’re putting out fires daily?

Do you want to get the paperwork done on time and not have to work from home?

Do you want to stop wearing so many hats and for once feel like the owner/ CEO of your business?

Do you want to renew the passion that you once had for childcare?

Do you want to focus on one thing that makes your business money?

If yes is your answer, then I have the perfect solution to make everything above possible ---

Systems stop you from getting overwhelmed.

Systems give you the time freedom so you can relax and spend more time with your family.

Systems are required if you want to grow and expand.

Systems allow you to take full control.

Whatever stage you are in your

Whether you have zero systems in place or your current systems are not working for you, not giving you the life and results that you wanted…

I can teach and guide you so you can get out of the chaotic and overwhelming business life you have right now…

And start growing, expanding, and living the CEO life you deserve!

To achieve this, you need systems more than anything!

And we have all the systems that you need, here on I Own A Daycare.

It’s even packaged conveniently and affordably, so you can start achieving the goals you have for your business right away.

Not sure what systems you need in your childcare?

Whenever you’re ready, this is how I can help...

Get Speedy Results

Do you want to implement systems, grow your enrollment, and achieve your goals fast? 

If yes, you can tap Andrea’s expertise directly so she can give you a personalized plan of action.

Well, the results


Not sure how to proceed?

You can start by finding out the systems that you need in your childcare, for FREE! 

 Copyright 2021  IOwnADaycare LLC All Rights Reserved
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